Welcome to the Scully Center

The Regina and John Scully ’66 Center for the Neuroscience of Mind and Behavior was established in 2007 through a generous gift from Regina and John Scully.

Research in cognitive neuroscience seeks to understand how the physical mechanisms of the brain give rise to the functions of the mind. The emergence of this new field represents the convergence of two disciplines—neuroscience and psychology— that had previously functioned relatively independently of one another. 

The recent convergence of these two areas of study has occurred as the result of remarkable new developments in technologies, such as fMRI, that allow researchers to study the physical state of the brain as people perform various activities or respond to questions. These technologies can provide evidence of the physical responses to decisions that involve both thought and emotion.

John H. Scully, a member of the Class of 1966 and a founding director of the Princeton University Investment Company (PRINCO), is a charter trustee, emeritus, of Princeton. A longtime generous supporter of the University, previous gifts have established Scully Hall and the John Scully ’66 Professor of Economics and Finance.

The Scullys’ support of the Center includes funding the development and operation of brain imaging facilities and support of the infrastructure essential for its use in the center’s mission of teaching and research.