Eye Tracking Lab

Tracking eye movements allows us to follow along the path of attention deployed by the observer, giving us insight into what they found interesting or how they perceived whatever is being viewed. Our eye tracking systems record eye positions at speeds of up to 2,000 times per second, and can even track while the head moves freely in front of the computer screen.

Technical Details

The Eye Tracking Lab, located in rooms C19/C20/C21, houses two SR Research EyeLink 1000 Plus systems capable of 2000Hz binocular resolution. These systems are connected to stimulus control computers and monitors. Recorded data include time, x and y eye position coordinates, and pupil diameter. PNI has licenses for the SR Research data analysis and stimulus presentation software (Data Viewer and Experiment Builder). The laboratory also includes subject chin rests for moderate head movement reduction and mechanical rising tables to maximize subjects’ comfort. For special subject populations, both systems are capable of Remote Mode tracking to relieve the need for a chin/forehead rest.

Specialized eye tracking systems are also available in other Scully Center facilities, including the EEG Laboratory, the TMS Laboratory, and the MRI Facility, to allow researchers to record subject eye position while using other equipment at the same time.

PNI researchers interested in obtaining more detailed information regarding our Eye Tracking Lab should visit our internal Scully Facilities Wiki.