By measuring the small changes in electrical activity of the brain from the scalp, electroencephalography (or EEG) has provided insights into the temporal sequence of perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions for decades. From within an electrically-shielded room, researchers in the EEG Lab can measure brain activity from up to 128 electrodes on the head, while simultaneously recording behavioral responses and eye tracking. With an infrared tracker, researchers can also digitize the locations of the electrodes on the participant’s head.
Technical Details
The EEG Lab is located in room C27A. It houses an ActiveTwo Biosemi EEG System, a high impedance system capable of collecting in a 64-Channel and 128-Channel configuration. The EEG Lab is comprised of two rooms: a running room and a control room. The running room is radiofrequency shielded to prevent RF noise contamination during data acquisition. It is equipped with two ceiling mounted speakers, EEG compatible air earphones to deliver auditory stimuli, an SR Eyelink 1000 Plus eye tracker, and a 120Hz display for visual stimuli. Various devices are available to the subject for behavioral responses. The configuration of the running room can be changed to accommodate sleep studies.
The EEG lab is also equipped with an NDI Polaris optical system to digitize electrode positions into 3D space.
PNI researchers interested in obtaining more detailed information regarding our EEG Lab should visit our internal Scully Facilities Wiki.